Codeine Abuse
When used as prescribed, codeine has tremendous medicinal value. Doctors most frequently prescribe it to treat pain and suppress coughing. However, when individuals disregard their doctor’s orders or start using codeine for nonmedical reasons, it can cause problems. Often, these types of codeine drug abuse are how a dangerous codeine drug addiction develops.
Codeine Drug Abuse Raises Tolerance to Dangerous Levels
Codeine has certain euphoric properties. Like other prescription drugs, it tends to minimize pain and relax individuals. At first, it makes people feel great. However, the further they get down the codeine drug abuse rabbit hole, the more of the drug they need to mimic that initial feeling.
Codeine drug abuse—and opioid abuse in general—can quickly develop into dependence or addiction. If users go too long without codeine, or even if they make the decision to quit, they’ll start going through physical and psychological withdrawal. Unfortunately, many people revert back to codeine because the withdrawal symptoms are too unmanageable.
Codeine Drug Abuse Causes Behavioral Changes
If you suspect that your loved one is struggling with codeine drug abuse, certain signs and symptoms could confirm your suspicions:
Lying or covering up suspicious behavior | Seeing numerous doctors to get a prescription | Financial problems | Change in sleeping patterns | Lack of appetite | Exhibiting signs of depression
The Most Dangerous Side Effect of Codeine Abuse
Individuals who consistently abuse codeine or other opioids will always be at risk for an overdose. If you or someone you love is struggling with codeine or opioid abuse, be on the look out for the following symptoms:
Slurred speech | Shallow breathing | Pale or clammy skin | Low pulse | Vomiting
The most dangerous aspect of a codeine or opioid overdose is the chance that a user could slip into a coma. At this point, his or her brain may experience oxygen deprivation. Even if the user survives the overdose, he or she could suffer long-term brain damage as a result.
Getting Help for Codeine Drug Abuse
Don’t wait until you or your loved one experiences an overdose. We have resources to help those struggling with codeine drug abuse get the treatment they need.