What is Codeine?
What type of drug is codeine? When you think of dangerous prescription opiates, codeine probably isn’t the first drug that comes to your mind. However, it’s actually the most commonly used opiate in the United States. Just like with other opiates, it’s possible to develop a debilitating addiction to codeine.
What Type of Drug is Codeine?
Doctors commonly prescribe codeine to treat minor pain or coughing. While pharmaceutical companies market it as an individual ingredient, codeine is often mixed with other elements. For instance, codeine and acetaminophen make co-codamol, which is found in over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol-3.
Codeine is also an active ingredient in many cough syrups. Unlike syrups containing only dextromethorphan, codeine cough syrups require a prescription. You’ll also find codeine in some muscle relaxers.
When Codeine Becomes Dangerous
Misusing and abusing codeine can negatively impact your health. While it generates short-term euphoria, its addictive properties can cause trouble down the road.
Because codeine is an opiate, users eventually develop a tolerance. They need more of the drug to replicate its initial euphoric effects. Psychologically, this can lead to users developing severe cravings whenever they go too long between doses.
Codeine abuse also leaves a lasting physical impact. Similar to other opiates, many users report feeling “sick” without it. In fact, long-term use can lead to:
Liver damage (particularly when combined with acetaminophen) | Decreased respiratory function | Insomnia | Heart problems
How Codeine Abuse Can Lead to Other Opiate Addictions
When asking, “What type of drug is codeine?”, understand that while this drug is commonly prescribed, it’s not as commonly abused as other opiates. That said, not only can can codeine abuse lead to overdose, but it can also lead to stronger opiates abuse for larger bursts of euphoria. In fact, many people who develop a heroin addiction start out abusing codeine.
Why Codeine Rehab is Important
If you or a loved one are struggling with codeine abuse or addiction, getting help is vital. Licensed and accredited addiction treatment facilities can alter behaviors, ultimately opening the door to a brighter future. We have various resources to find you or your loved one the help needed for a better, codeine-free life. Contact us today to learn more.